Currently work on restoring DH88 Comet G-ACSP “Black Magic” at Derby Aero Club in the Amy Johnson Workshop is suspended due to the Covid19 regulations. As part of the control regulations the airfield and engineering operations can carry on in controlled and separate spaces for staff in their own bubbles. However this cannot be done in the volunteer workshop group space. Some work is being done at individual locations.
Good news. Ken Fern in his own workshop has been able to continue his exciting progress on G-RCSR, his DH88 plan Comet replica in tribute to the original G-ACSR Green Comet. Most recently he has been completing the leading edges on the 44 foot wing. The wing (seen in image below) has the full undercarriage retract system in place and components for the trailing edge. Ken is very keen to have a trial wing / fuselage match up in time for Xmas.