The Comet Racer Project, the restoration to flying condition of the De Havilland DH88 Comet G-ACSP “Black Magic” at Derby Aero Club, continues to progress successfully. The year has been described as the year of metalwork, remarkably for an all wood aircraft! With the completion of the whole 44ft wingspan, spars with ribs and centre joined, the vital part of preparing for the two undercarriage and engine mount sections fittings nears completion. All bespoke metalwork, unique to each wing was fabricated through cutting, folding and welding, offered up and adjusted, bolt depths calculated, then finally fitted. the spacer blocks were made and on the first days of 2017 initially drilled (See Photo). The key significance of this work cannot be overlooked, the undercarriage and engines must all be in the correct lines. In addition, this work once done, cannot be returned to when the wing is finally covered. Much other work has also progressed, the cockpit begins to look much fuller with control fitting starting as with the tail skid assembly.
The Comet Racer Project has been most encouraged by the ongoing interest and support, from the beneficial and inspirational links to the Shuttleworth Collection G-ACSS “Grosvenor House”, donations from sponsors and visitors to the workshop, website interest and particularly the Facebook Comet Racer Group which, in less than a year, has more than 500 supporters, many of whom have contributed significant information on all the five original Comets. Two further report sections will be added later this year on the Facebook Group and also the well advanced sister project by Ken Fern to build the DH88 “Green Comet” G-RCSR (In homage to G-ACSR, F-ANPY). Thanks to all who have supported the Comet Racer Project.